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Built-In Functions

MCCompiled ships with a list of built-in functions which are already implemented for your use. Functions can either support compile-time, runtime, or both.

When a function supports runtime, it follows the same rules as functions, as in, it is only included in your project's output when it's used somewhere in your code.

Utility Functions

These functions are miscellaneous useful utilities that can help with writing MCCompiled code. Metaprogramming, math, and other various functions allow you to write better code.

Get Value by Name

getValue(name) compile-time

Fetches a value by the given name and returns it to be used as if its identifier was specified. An example of this in action looks like the following:

define int exampleValue ‎ getValue("exampleValue") = 40
Fetch E0 Glyph

glyphE0(x, y = 0) compile-time

Fetches the character at a coordinate in glyph_E0.png and returns it as a string literal. The coordinate 0, 0 is the top left.

Fetch E1 Glyph

glyphE1(x, y = 0) compile-time

Fetches the character at a coordinate in glyph_E1.png and returns it as a string literal. The coordinate 0, 0 is the top left.


min(a, b) compile-time, runtime

Returns the smaller of the two inputs.


max(a, b) compile-time, runtime

Returns the larger of the two inputs.

Count Entities

countEntities(selector) runtime

Returns the number of entities which match the input selector as an integer.

define int players ‎ players = countEntities(@a)

Math Functions

These functions work with numbers and computation beyond what the operators can do.


random(range) compile-time, runtime

Returns a random number. Supports input of either a single value or a range. When a range is specified, the minimum and maximum values will be used (inclusive). When a single value is specified, the range (0..n-1) is used.

define int choice ‎ // both cases can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 choice = random(0..3) choice = random(4)
Square Root

sqrt(n) compile-time

Returns the square root of n. Runtime support is planned eventually.


sin(n) compile-time

Returns the sine of n. Runtime support is planned eventually.


cos(n) compile-time

Returns the co-sine of n. Runtime support is planned eventually.


tan(n) compile-time

Returns the tangent of n. Runtime support is planned eventually.


arctan(n) compile-time

Returns the angle that has a tangent of n. Runtime support is planned eventually.

Rounding Functions

These functions focus on decimal numbers; specifically, rounding them to integers in different ways.


round(n) compile-time, runtime

Rounds the given number to the nearest integer. If the number is a midpoint (e.g., 1.5), the number is rounded up.


floor(n) compile-time, runtime

Rounds the given number to the nearest integer that is less or equal to it. Generally referred to as "rounding down."


ceiling(n) compile-time, runtime

Rounds the given number to the nearest integer that is greater or equal to it. Generally referred to as "rounding up."

Last modified: 28 October 2024